Tag Archives: Emotional Intelligence

Pay what you want business strategy

Pay what you want business strategy

Successful businesses are those that are responsive to customer needs and make socially responsible decisions. Sometimes the trick lies in the balance to achieve those goals. New ideas are always on the rise, but the most emotionally intelligent ideas which incorporate a win-win approach promise the best results. Panera’s recent Pay-What-You-Want (reminiscent of the movie Read More

Why ride the telecommute train?

Why ride the telecommute train?

It’s no secret that work-from-home days and telecommuting job opportunities are increasing across the country. Many predict that as new technology continues to infiltrate business, more companies will hop on the telecommuting job train. It is widely believed that there are advantages from financials aspects to collaboration for organizations that encourage telecommuting. From a historical Read More

Lessons from the Catholic Church: Succession Planning?

Lessons from the Catholic Church: Succession Planning?

Champ Rawls of The Rawls Group in Orlando, FL makes a good case for the correlation between Catholic Church leadership and succession planning. With Pope Benedict’s recent decision to step down, Rawls draws attention to the striking similarities between the responsibilities of the Pope and of a business leader. From leading others, to driving the Read More

Workload Manager

Workload Manager

Management Monday! The time of the week set aside for addressing anything from time management to management roles… This week let’s talk about workload management. We walk a fine line between wanting to be challenged and being overloaded. Unfortunately, we do often find ourselves trying to climb out of what feels like an endless abyss Read More

The Family Tray Overload

The Family Tray Overload

It’s 9:00am on a Tuesday morning. Nancy is collecting her final reports and finalizing her agenda for the big meeting at 9:30am. As the VP of Communications, company success rides on her ability to be present and productive in the office. Then she gets a phone call at 9:15am from the school her child attends. Read More

Job change with rose colored glasses

Job change with rose colored glasses

Things at work seem to be growing more stressful by the day. There are still the same complaints among co-workers about this client or that old software. You’re just feeling burnt out. Add to all that the seemingly endless demands of your position, that keep growing. Now you’re considering a new career path. Maybe that Read More

Can you hear me now?

Can you hear me now?

Management Monday! The time of the week set aside for addressing anything from time management to management roles… Let’s talk about managing office communication! Sometimes you might feel like you’re struggling to productively communicate your message to your coworkers, or employees. At times it seems like you are on two different wave lengths! Have you Read More

Rugrats meets Sexual Allegations

Rugrats meets Sexual Allegations

If you’re thinking right off the bat that “Rugrats” and “Sexual Allegations” shouldn’t go together in a sentence, we agree. Unfortunately though, life isn’t always that dichotomous. In case you were not a regular follower of the show, Rugrats’ main characters consisted of a group of toddlers, all exploring their home and interacting with each other. They got into Read More

Mr. Valentine’s Day at the Office

Mr. Valentine’s Day at the Office

February fourteenth brings with it talk of relationships, old and new.   Lovers everywhere are reminded to show appreciation for each other through various methods of expression. With the holiday, it is not uncommon for individuals to evaluate the strength of their relationship.  Although, one isolated circumstance can’t speak volumes about a relationship, every instance is Read More

Hiring success avoids a work place mess

Hiring success avoids a work place mess

From considerations like office safety concerns spurred by events like the Sandy Hook Elementary Massacre, to the Americans with Disabilities act, and the implemented changes post Fiscal Cliff in December of 2012, as was highlighted in our Expert Panel , the hiring process is evolving rapidly. Keeping up with the changes is crucial for all Read More