Tag Archives: Emotional Intelligence

Kids home alone uncertainty? Consider maturity…

Kids home alone uncertainty? Consider maturity…

With the increase of dual-income families, rates of unemployment, and women fighting to come to the forefront of industrialization, there are more and more children left home alone at earlier ages. Today’s children are more technically savvy, but less emotionally strong.  The reason being, they are exposed to a lot more at a younger age, Read More

Maybe she’s born with it, or maybe it’s….

Maybe she’s born with it, or maybe it’s….

You know that co-worker down the hall, that gets to the office ten minutes early every day? They work overtime and are always reliable in getting the job done? Or maybe that sounds just like you. Then there is the co-worker that is never there when needed. They throw out the most undeveloped answers to Read More

Props to the working mom

Props to the working mom

Marissa Mayer is all over the news due to her choice to become CEO of Yahoo Inc. while being six months pregnant. No doubt, this is an exciting opportunity for her. Many people are even saying she will be remembered for generations if she can successfully pull this off. While her status, actions, and business Read More

Tackling the flu

Tackling the flu

Everyone knows the influenza virus struck early and forceful this year, but maybe not everyone has considered the implications or how to best deal with the flu monster professionally in the work-place. Being ill is an obstacle no one enjoys.  The important fact to consider, however, is that additional emotional burdens only make an already Read More

Strong arm, ethical weakness

Strong arm, ethical weakness

As accomplished professionals, we understand the gravity of what leadership means. People we care about depend on our leadership. People we don’t know are affected by it. Our decisions can influence the course of history, even if in some small way. Everything we do as leaders is tied to other lives. This means every crucial Read More

It’s not Bowser or Gun Control

It’s not Bowser or Gun Control

American society has gone through devastating tragedies. Unfortunately violent shootings and crime seem to be getting worse. Years of bickering between politicians and rights groups have led to only dancing around the problems. It seems given so many critical issues facing our society today, thoughts of urgent care are unrealistic. People argue that even if Read More

You, Me and Robots

You, Me and Robots

  Isn’t it interesting what modern electronic devices are capable of? Smartphones are programmed to speak back to us and iPads can sense our touch. These devices take photographs and store them, just like humans capture images in their memory. These man-made metal or plastic objects are moving past just sensory capabilities. Now intelligent robots Read More

Certainly not Blissful Unsuccessful Executives

Certainly not Blissful Unsuccessful Executives

“Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.” –Eleanor Roosevelt Sydney Finkelstein studied 50 companies that were at the top of the food chain but soon plummeted. Some of which included, Enron, Tyco, WorldCom, Rubbermaid, and Schwinn. In his research, he found that the senior executives at Read More