Tag Archives: enemployment
Why Your Company Needs To Hire Leaders

Why Your Company Needs To Hire Leaders
The value of good leaders within a company is sometimes underestimated. Leaders bring efforts together, magnify skills and improve the bottom-line. Here’s Why You Should Value Your Leaders: 1) They build morale2) They inspire confidence3) They establish a strong image4) They emphasize company mission5) They are vested in everyone’s success6) They innovate7) They align goals8) They Read More
“Ballmer Away Microsoft!”

“Ballmer Away Microsoft!”
What could be Microsoft’s biggest mistake when Steve Ballmer leaves in twelve months? Organizations are suffering due to high CEO turnovers. In fact, Chief Executive turnover hit a three-year high in July, as reported by The Hill. No company is immune, including Microsoft. The organization recently announced that Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer will retire Read More
Considered Veterans Affairs

Considered Veterans Affairs
President Obama’s State of the Union address brought with it so much to chew on. It was his mention of withdrawing 34,000 U.S. troops from Afghanistan within the year that caught our attention. We began thinking about the challenges vets often face in returning home. Already there are issues for veterans trying to find employment. Read More
Busting the Talent Myth

Busting the Talent Myth
In a marketplace of seemingly abundant talent, why is there not much hiring happening? In an uncertain economy, passive candidates who are either employed and looking just to look, or are available yet unenthusiastic in obtaining the training, education, or experiences necessary for the right fit may provide a “false positive” when assessing the Read More