Tag Archives: engagement
America’s Got Talent. Do you?

America’s Got Talent. Do you?
The most recent episode of America’s Got Talent was conducted in a different manner than usual and many attribute this difference to Howard Stern and his thinking out of the box mentality. In a nutshell and we will come back to this later, he referred to the delivery of results, but through engagement rather than Read More
Managing Introverts like Audrey Hepburn

Managing Introverts like Audrey Hepburn
Management Monday: Managing and Motivating Introverts Modern business is all about extroverts, teams and collaboration, which is great. However, history has proven that it’s important not to overlook the value of introverts. The world recognizes introverts such as Warren Buffet, Jo Rowling, Johnny Depp, Audrey Hepburn and Steven Spielberg as some of the most impactful Read More
Employee Engagement: Middle Earth Style

Employee Engagement: Middle Earth Style
How is the concept of employee engagement best illustrated? Perhaps J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, set in fictional Middle Earth, can help. Similar to a company forming a team to meet a need, characters in the Fellowship of the Ring form a group with the goal of destroying an evil ring, which will Read More
Employee Engagement Test

Employee Engagement Test
Call it committed, call it loyal or call it reliable; these terms all hint at an employee’s level of dedication to their employer. Commonly, Human Resources professionals refer to this as employee engagement. Emotional intelligence and employee engagement walk hand-in-hand to help sustain many of the world’s most successful companies. Case in point, in her Read More
Can I Get a Big Mac With a Side of Succession Planning?

Can I Get a Big Mac With a Side of Succession Planning?
Management Monday: Managing Succession Planning McDonalds may not be the business to ask about healthy eating habits, but they do know something about succession planning. They have come to understand the costs and mayhem that are repercussions of losing key roles in the organization. It is thanks to their succession development process that the sudden Read More
The Circus Act

The Circus Act
Management Monday: Managing With Work Life Balance Emphasis Circus jugglers and tight wire walkers aren’t the only people balancing on a daily basis. In 2012, Americans ages 25 to 54 with children dedicated 8.8 hours a day to work, leaving 15.2 hours to eat, sleep, exercise, clean the house, spend time with family and deal Read More
Office of The Walking Dead

Office of The Walking Dead
Management Monday: Managing Work Culture The Walking Dead has snatched the country’s attention. While there are many wonderful things to be said about it, it might be alarming to compare anything about it to an office. However, when creativity is down, leadership is losing touch and energy has plummeted, the emotions in an office might Read More
Ugly Sweater Boss

Ugly Sweater Boss
This Blog has been featured by the West Orange Chamber of Commerce. Sources such as HLN have also been home to publications by Dr. Farnaz Namin-Hedayati and she has been cited by the Orlando Business Journal. The holidays can certainly be a time of stress for employees who struggle to balance the workload with added holiday responsibilities. However, the holidays Read More
Jofi is no joke

Jofi is no joke
Management Monday: Managing to Avoid Employee Dissatisfaction In an ideal world, every employer and organization would harmonize like America’s Got Talent’s opera group Forte. Unfortunately, that just isn’t the way the world works. Case in point, last week Jofi Joseph was fired from his post as a White House National Security Advisor after a sting Read More
Hang on to Your Communicator Badges

Hang on to Your Communicator Badges
Monday Management: Managing Virtual Teams for Success Modern day business increasingly has more and more in common with Star Trek’s United Federation of Planets. How so? Business professionals might not be sporting stylish gold and silver communicator badges like Starfleet personnel (pictured on the uniforms in the image to the right), but the utilization of Read More