Tag Archives: Leadership development
Leadership Qualities of Larry Page

Leadership Qualities of Larry Page
Larry Page is the man who had a dream that the internet could be downloaded and saved as links so websites could be more quickly accessed. This was the dream from which Google was born. In addition to being the co-founder of Google, Page has also won awards such as the Marconi Prize and TR100 Read More
Hold Leaders Accountable

Hold Leaders Accountable
Management Monday: Managing Leaders National Legion recently landed in a sticky situation. Despite being the country’s largest organization of Wartime Veterans, providing financial, social and emotional support to members of the United States Armed Forces, veterans and their dependants, the group likely faces serious changes in leadership thanks to lack of accountability. Sometimes known simply Read More
Forget the Frying Pan: How Leaders Avoid Burnout

Forget the Frying Pan: How Leaders Avoid Burnout
Management Monday: Avoiding Leadership Burnout Managers and leaders have opportunities to influence and inspire others around them, or to drag the atmosphere down. They have chances to positively influence the trajectory of their organization, or to set a tone that will lead to failure. It sounds like a lot of responsibility, which doesn’t make the Read More
Leadership Qualities of Tim Cook

Leadership Qualities of Tim Cook
Named on Fortune’s World’s 50 Greatest Leaders list, Tim Cook offers a less common but highly effective leadership style in the modern business world. What makes his style unique? His focus on operations, lack of interest in the limelight and humility. He is the kind of leader who uses his IQLA Lifetime Achievement Award acceptance Read More
How to be an Emotionally Intelligent Leader

How to be an Emotionally Intelligent Leader
Management Monday: Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Actions speak louder than words. The most impactful way to inspire emotional intelligence in a team or group is to lead by example. In X-Men Days of Future Past, Professor Xavier is able to influence a friend to make a good decision and spare lives. It is the professor’s patience Read More
Leadership Qualities of Bill Gates

Leadership Qualities of Bill Gates
Blog Talk listeners tuning in for an answer after yesterday’s episode, the effective leader discussed was Bill Gates. In the same way that every truly worthy recipe has a couple of key ingredients that make it unique and amazing, leaders also tend to have key qualities that enable them to shine. Such is the case Read More
Leading with Confidence on Once Upon A Time

Leading with Confidence on Once Upon A Time
Management Monday: Managing and Leading with Confidence Emma Swan of the hit TV show Once Upon A Time finds herself thrust into a magical world and discovers she is supposed to be the savior who will lead people from another land to freedom and justice. She not only has a hard time accepting the responsibility expected of Read More
It’s Succession Planning, not the NFL Draft Results

It’s Succession Planning, not the NFL Draft Results
Not having a succession plan is risky, and 92% of organizations recognize the plight of foregoing one. Despite the proven success of succession plans at leading Fortune 500 companies, such as McDonalds and LL Bean, a recent study by The Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford University and The Institute of Executive Development (IED) revealed that only 46% of Read More
Emerging Leaders: The Achiever, Alex DiCaro

Emerging Leaders: The Achiever, Alex DiCaro
Recognizing Leadership Style: Welcome to the Emerging Leaders Blog series. Center for Work Life put on thinking caps to determine a method for reaching out and assisting leaders in the local Orlando community. The Emerging Leaders blog series based on the SPM (Spony Profiling Model) is the result. Not only has this series assisted notable Read More
Emerging Leaders: Official Leadership Style Guide

Emerging Leaders: Official Leadership Style Guide
Management Monday: Managing Your Leadership Style Welcome to the Emerging Leaders Blog series. Center for Work Life put on thinking caps to determine a method for reaching out and assisting leaders in the local Orlando community. The Emerging Leaders blog series based on the Spony Profiling Model (SPM) was the result. Not only did the series assist Read More