Tag Archives: relationships
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Engagement

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Engagement
Management Monday: Building Employee Engagement by Showing Appreciation At first, building and engaging a team sounds ideal and simple. Winning sports teams like the Connecticut Huskies and America’s favorite superheroes, The Avengers, make it look so easy. The thought process typically starts with needing specific skills to help achieve goals. Unfortunately, the art of constructing Read More
Men Need to Care More & Women Need to Care Less

Men Need to Care More & Women Need to Care Less
Management Monday: Men and Women’s Work Life Balance Management Struggles… Men and women face overwhelming cultural shifts in work expectations and home life responsibilities. Both genders desire to have successful career and family lives, but how do those two goals mesh with each other? Trends suggest they are still a long way from finding Read More
Your American Hustle

Your American Hustle
Management Monday: Managing Personal Accountability American Hustle claimed 10 Academy Awards and seems to have won America’s love as an instant classic film. Even after weeks in the spotlight, leading actress, Jennifer Lawrence is still grabbing headlines for her edgy performance. And sure, it’s good entertainment. Unfortunately, the “hustle” mentality portrayed by the fictional characters Read More
Leadership Qualities of Indra Nooyi

Leadership Qualities of Indra Nooyi
Indra Nooyi has been at Pepsi for 17 years. PepsiCo is currently the biggest food and beverage company in North America, and Indra holds the reins as CEO. She manages a corporate family of over 300,000 employees. It’s not surprising that she is a valued and influential leader in the business world. During her career, Read More
Silence the Scandal

Silence the Scandal
Sometimes the root of conflict resolution seems as elusive as the hit TV show Scandal. Scandal’s Olivia (played by Kerry Washington pictured to the right) is often shocked by the actions of others, for example when Fitz doesn’t treat her with respect. This kind of shock, frustration and confusion is no stranger in the face Read More
The Phony Holiday: Valentine’s Day

The Phony Holiday: Valentine’s Day
Let’s take a break from office-talk today and focus on work life balance and strengthening personal relationships through EI. On his vlog, Mike Baxter of the comedy TV series, Last Man Standing, describes Valentine’s Day as a “phony, stupid, con game.” This is an example of emotional intelligence “hitting the fan” at high speed. But Read More
Office of The Walking Dead

Office of The Walking Dead
Management Monday: Managing Work Culture The Walking Dead has snatched the country’s attention. While there are many wonderful things to be said about it, it might be alarming to compare anything about it to an office. However, when creativity is down, leadership is losing touch and energy has plummeted, the emotions in an office might Read More
Guess the Negotiation Wizard…

Guess the Negotiation Wizard…
Recently, Center for Work Life addressed the topic of Leader Negotiation Skills on Blog Talk Radio. We explained the correlation between emotional intelligence, negotiation and conflict resolution. In discussing this topic, we also presented clues regarding an individual who is known for strong negotiation skills. If you missed this Blog Talk Radio chat, you can Read More
Catching Fire on the job?

Catching Fire on the job?
This Blog has been featured by the West Orange Chamber of Commerce. Sources such as HLN have also been home to publications by Dr. Farnaz Namin-Hedayati and she has been cited by the Orlando Business Journal. Management Monday… Managing the Boss Feeling suppressed? You were excelling in your company until you got that promotion, but now you seem to be the Read More
Career Couple Ego Slam

Career Couple Ego Slam
This Blog has been featured by the West Orange Chamber of Commerce. Sources such as HLN have also been home to publications by Dr. Farnaz Namin-Hedayati and she has been cited by the Orlando Business Journal. In today’s evolving society, fewer spouses are staying home. Hard-working achievers with busy schedules and high pressure positions comprise many relationships. But what happens when Read More