Tag Archives: Transformation
How to Deal with People that have Low EI

How to Deal with People that have Low EI
No matter how resolute one becomes to strengthening their own emotional intelligence level, the fact remains that people around them aren’t necessarily emotionally intelligent. For that matter, even when aware of the emotional intelligence concept, people don’t always want to grow. That leaves an emotionally intelligent individual on an island in a low emotional intelligence Read More
X Men Style Leadership & Strategic Planning

X Men Style Leadership & Strategic Planning
Life is full of surprises and unexpected challenges. Business is also full of unpredictable circumstances. However, the negative impact of unforeseeable situations is greatly minimized when a plan is in place to deal with the problem. A great example of a strategic planner is Professor Xavier from X Men (loved character of the X Men Read More
It’s Succession Planning, not the NFL Draft Results

It’s Succession Planning, not the NFL Draft Results
Not having a succession plan is risky, and 92% of organizations recognize the plight of foregoing one. Despite the proven success of succession plans at leading Fortune 500 companies, such as McDonalds and LL Bean, a recent study by The Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford University and The Institute of Executive Development (IED) revealed that only 46% of Read More
Anchorman and Leader Negotiation Skills

Anchorman and Leader Negotiation Skills
EI & Conflict Resolution: Leader Negotiation Skills The movie Anchorman charmed movie watchers when it was released in 2004. Though approached from a comedic standpoint, it touched on topics like women in business and workplace conflict. Everyone laughed when Ron and Veronica hit each other with rude remarks in the movie, but demeaning comments between employees Read More
Cotton Gins and Iphones on Labor Day

Cotton Gins and Iphones on Labor Day
Labor Day is around the corner so everyone’s making travel plans and thinking about gas prices. There’s nothing wrong with that, but here in our corner, we’ve been thinking about the spirit of Labor Day. Sure, Labor Day fun facts are popping up around the internet: Labor Day began in Canada in 1872 (Forbes) and Read More
Hulk Syndrome

Hulk Syndrome
Symbolism represented by the famous fictional character, The Hulk, warrants attention in a conversation about Anger Management. First lets address that Anger doesn’t have to be a negative emotion. In fact, used as a calibrator, it can be utilized as a signal for the inner-self to guide thought into action. As emotional intelligence experts, we Read More
Pay what you want business strategy

Pay what you want business strategy
Successful businesses are those that are responsive to customer needs and make socially responsible decisions. Sometimes the trick lies in the balance to achieve those goals. New ideas are always on the rise, but the most emotionally intelligent ideas which incorporate a win-win approach promise the best results. Panera’s recent Pay-What-You-Want (reminiscent of the movie Read More
And the Oscar goes to….

And the Oscar goes to….
It is Management Monday! The time of the week set aside for addressing anything from time management to managing roles… Managing career success can be tricky. We all want to succeed at our jobs. Aiming to overcome the learning curve, master our obligations and attain promotions is only the beginning of what we hope to Read More
Maybe she’s born with it, or maybe it’s….

Maybe she’s born with it, or maybe it’s….
You know that co-worker down the hall, that gets to the office ten minutes early every day? They work overtime and are always reliable in getting the job done? Or maybe that sounds just like you. Then there is the co-worker that is never there when needed. They throw out the most undeveloped answers to Read More
Where would you be without your body?

Where would you be without your body?
It is Management Monday! The time of the week set aside for addressing anything from time management to management roles… Everyone knows that in order to achieve maximum productivity, one has to first take care of one’s own needs. Working parents are on top of the list when it comes to difficulties in time management. Read More