The entrepreneur/leader “Spirit”


Research after research has tried to capture the spectrrum of skills necessary for the entrepreneurial competencies.  We believe it’s a spirit; a drive for a way of being if you will..

Here are 10 exercises for practice :

  1. Increase your capacity for enthusiasm, each and everyday.
  2. Do keep your eye on the ball, but play around with the ball too.
  3. Judging people will only cloud your view.  Wear “non-judgmental glasses” and you will be presented with many opportunities.
  4. Be driven by the virtue of the work, not by the wealth or recognition it may bring.
  5. Be generous, even if others are not, and you will be the first to be entrusted.
  6. References are the best compliments, give them only if they are true and genuine without remorse.
  7. Humility is the greatest motivator.  Drive for excellence, but lead with the desire to learn.
  8. Give credit when warranted.  Hoarding will only weigh you down.
  9. Look at risks and challenges with the gift of new eyes as if it’s the first time you encounter it.
  10. The greatest tragedies stem from misunderstandings.  Never start a sentence with but, and ask rather than tell.

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