Workload Manager

Management Monday!

The time of the week set aside for addressing anything from time management to management roles…

This week let’s talk about workload management.

We walk a fine line between wanting to be challenged and being overloaded. Unfortunately, we do often find ourselves trying to climb out of what feels like an endless abyss of tasks. It is never going to be easy, but there are certainly tips one can adopt to make that climb easier.



Workload Management Tips:

  1. Deal with your mail immediately. Leaving messages for later can lead to unfinished business and mental stress!
  2. Do not spend more time on an assignment than it deserves – concentrate on tasks that are the most important to the success and mission of the company.
  3. Develop a stress-relief routine – This time needs to be different than work and different than rest at home. Whether it is listening to music in the car or stopping by the gym, it allows a “cool down” for your brain.
  4. Reflect on when you are the most productive and use that time of day or the most challenging tasks.
  5. Communicate effectively to save time later and reduce stress.
  6. Delegate tasks when it makes sense. We all have to ask for help now and then.
  7. Consider setting aside two hours of “uninterrupted time” every day at work. Try your hardest never to be committed to an appointment during that time. Close the door and put a sign up letting people know you are unavailable. Use that time to get done the most time intensive projects.
  8. Simply remember to sit back, relax, breathe and reboot when you feel like you’ve hit a stress wall.

The increasing workload is felt among almost all workers, but the tips above can make a difference. Utilize them and share them with others.