Where would you be without your body?

It is Management Monday!

The time of the week set aside for addressing anything from time management to management roles…

Everyone knows that in order to achieve maximum productivity, one has to first take care of one’s own needs. Working parents are on top of the list when it comes to difficulties in time management.  So this in particular is very applicable to them.  You simply cannot be a caring parent, if you are not cared for.  Although most people do focus on diet and exercise, finding a healthy living balance goes farther than that. A true balance would involve the following:

  1. Adequate physical exercise which according to the surgeon general involves at least 30 minutes of cardio every day.
  2.  A healthy diet, which according to the most basic rather than the most-jaded diet fad to hit the media, involves a balance of the three categories of food. Fruits and vegetables, protein and carbohydrates must be consumed in the right portions.
  3. Adequate sleep is crucial. According to the surgeon general adequate sleep involves at least 7 hours of sleep for a working adult above the age of 18.
  4. Neurological health or exercising your brain regularly in a multitude of areas rather than only the area related to your career.
  5. Last but certainly not least, striving for emotional freedom and emotional intelligence. Which incorporates being aware of your own emotions and those of others you come in contact with. Psychological studies show that your mind and your body are strongly linked. As your mental health declines, your physical health can wear down, and if your physical health declines, it can make you feel mentally “down.” A positive outlook can help keep you healthy.

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It seems like a lot doesn’t it?  The truth is that learning to manage all of these factors can be a challenge but just as we always say, life without challenge is death.


Neurological and physical techniques and references to help you tackle the day: 

Neurological exercises– There are simple, quick, fun exercises that can keep your brain sharp. Repeat information out loud or write it down to make it stick. Fill some of your free time with reading and crossword puzzles. There are even fun exercises available through options like Lumosity. They provide simple games that not only keep you sharp, but are fun and fast.

Physical exercises – Exercise can be daunting, especially on top of full work days. The trick is to figure out what works for you. Maybe you get out of bed fifteen minutes early every morning to do some sit-ups and jog around the block. Maybe you go to the gym three days a week for a half an hour at the time. If you are worried about family time after work, then walk up and down the stairs on your lunch break. A routine goes a long way.  For specific exercises you can do at the office check this blog on simple and fun exercises for the office.