Winning them Over

Some people are simply not proponents of executive coaching. While its value can be immeasurable, how do you prove this to key members of your organization? Additionally, how can you prove that coaching had a major and positive impact on your ROI? You must isolate the effects of coaching, which is no easy task, particularly when other internal or external influencers are involved, which is almost always the case.

  • Extraneous factors are consistent, but should not overshadow the effects of the coaching program.
  • These other factors, whether programs, systems, or initiatives, all have authors who would like to believe that they are solely responsible for the improvements incurred from what may have been a combination of factors working together simultaneously, including the coaching program. This may detract from the credibility of the coaching program.
  • If the effects of the coaching program are not isolated, there is no proof that the program contributed to the success of the organization.
  • Some coaching programs are complex, and are therefore more challenging to isolate their effects, but this must be done with determination, especially when other major factors are occurring.
  • It should be clarified that coaching programs augment the efforts of other factors within the organization.
  • Nothing should be left to assumption, specifically when stakeholders are concerned; if the effects of coaching are not isolated, it can be assumed that the extraneous factors were largely responsible for the successes within the organization, thus minimizing the positive results of the coaching, possible detracting from its importance.

It is sometimes difficult to prove the efficacy of a coaching program, which can leave the organization with a less than adequate budget for this necessary and beneficial expense. This is why isolation is critical in order to illustrate the business linkage to stakeholders and others who may not advocate such programs. When the connection is proven between the coaching facilitation and the positive results, not only do you have a more productive team and satisfied stakeholders, but the organization enjoys a steadily increasing bottom line.