Frigid Monster Leadership has Given Way to Psychologically Safety Leadership

A business and a team of people are only as effective as the person leading and guiding them towards success. Building a high-performing team is more than just selecting any group of individuals; it is choosing the right people for the project that you know are passionate about the subject matter and whom will bring forth tremendous growth to the overall team. Picking and initially building a strong team is one thing, but maintaining it requires a continuous effort to guide and motivate the team towards each goal. 


What is team effectiveness?

  • Team effectiveness is the capacity of a group of people, usually with complementary skills, to work together to accomplish goals set out by an authority, members, or leaders of the team. The team is effective, as it documents increased productivity and performance outcomes, which allow the surrounding teams and company to attempt to reach their own goals just as  quickly and efficiently. Members of effective teams can grow both personally and professionally.
  • Today’s challenge: As team compositions are increasingly diverse, organizations must find ways to meet the needs of each team member. As work becomes increasingly digitized, organizations must navigate the challenges that come with time zone differences and remote teams such as conflict and coordination


What determines an effective team?

  • Team composition: a well composed team will have the required knowledge and skills but will also consider individual differences such as personality, values, and demographics. 


  • Organizational resources: teams need the right equipment, info, budgetary resources, and time to complete tasks effectively. Some teams may also need training, consultation, meeting spaces and times, rewards, and team goals to be effective. 


  • Shared purpose and meaning: effective teens must be inspired with a shared sense of purpose or meaning. As well as providing direction, leaders must show teams that they value their efforts and demonstrate that their work carries an important impact. 


  • Task design: how a task is designed can help determine which team is an appropriate fit. Tasks involving high interdependence are typically best for teams versus individuals.  


  • Role clarity: when responsibilities shift among members of a team, confusion can occur. Each team member must be clear on who does what and this is especially important for long-term remote working. 


  • A collaborative culture and climate: a collaborative culture and climate helps team members listen to and take time to understand new ideas and diverse ways of thinking. 


  • Psychological safety: psychological safety means that each team member can express themselves authentically, which is necessary for team effectiveness. Employees who can be themselves will have the confidence to ask questions, take risks, and be creative. 


  • Dependability: having a feeling of trust can create cohesion and effectiveness among team members. 


What are the steps I can take to build and maintain an effective team?


  1. Analyze and plan: define a goal and purpose for your team and help them work more effectively. Assess and plan a way to enhance your team’s effectiveness and productivity 
  2. Communicate: establish clear lines of communication by clarifying roles. Make sure that your team knows who to go to when they need an answer and consider setting up team meetings
  3. Build relationships: allow trust to be built between your team members, conduct team building exercises and establish rapport between yourself and the team
  4. Motivate: keeping your team motivated is key to creating an efficient workspace. Learn the psychology of motivation and tailor your efforts to the different needs of people on your team
  5. Reward and compensate: reward your team appropriately when hitting targets or goals to maintain the motivation and effectiveness of the team


How can leaders help their teams better manage stress?:

  • Foster psychological safety for your team: Create an environment where your team members feel comfortable asking for help without fear of negative consequences to their career
  • Promote boundary setting: Ensure your team members prioritize their mental wellbeing by setting boundaries around their schedules, so that they have enough time to recharge- fixed times for breaks, shorter meetings, stop replying to work emails after work hours/holidays



Questions you can ask to help you get started with delegating: Delegation is when a manager or team leader gives another employee the responsibility and authority to complete an assigned task:

  • Which tasks could I or should I delegate?
  • What’s keeping me from delegating?
  • Who should/shouldn’t I delegate to?
  • How does completing this task help my own/my team’s career?
  • What are all the things that the chosen team member needs to know to perform well?
  • What might be affected if I don’t delegate?




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