Perfect Leadership Defined

  Fact:  The more successful you are, the greater your risk of developing blind spots. Why?  Because we all suffer from Hubris to some various degrees.  If you have ever attended one of our workshops on Emotional Intelligence, you have undoubtedly heard Dr. Namin speak on Hubris and how the greatest Achilles for most CEOs Read More

Escaping the Realms of La La Land

     Besides their good looks and the assortment of talents, what do Ryan Gosling, Woody Harrelson, Adam Levin, and Jim Caviezel have in common? Well, although La La Land, the 2016 motion picture starring Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone delighted many audiences and brought home Oscar Awards in six categories, in our trivia quiz, Read More

The Jennifer Lawrence Fall

Management Monday: Managing Mistakes Jennifer Lawrence has established a bit of a pattern. She has now fallen two years in a row at the Oscars (The Washington Post). At the recent Oscars (Oscars 2014) she tripped over a cone on the red carpet and at the 2013 Oscars she tripped walking up the stairs to Read More

Leadership Qualities of Shirley Temple

Anyone can be a leader and the forms their impact may take can vary. Little Shirley Temple proved that at the bubbling young age of three when she began starring in Hollywood films. As a child star, she became a role model for optimism who impacted children and adults around the world. For her on-screen Read More

Executive Suicides Under Pressure

“Pressure pushing down on me, Pressing down on you.” You may recognize those lyrics from the famous Queen and David Bowie song called Under Pressure. No doubt, this song calls to mind the realization of stress and fear in life. Fear of failure, fear of pain, fear of rejection and more are landing people every Read More

The Silent Company of Lee Thompson Young

You’re at work and things are going well. But then an employee doesn’t show up. They completely miss the morning part of their shift without warning and can’t be reached by phone. After informing the police of the situation, the department receives a call. You’re informed that your employee has committed suicide. This was what Read More

Tissues and Hershey Kisses

Management Monday: What can Hershey teach us about managing our leadership qualities? From the scrumptious milk chocolate Hershey’s we can’t resist at the check-out line on a weekly basis to the average $100.2 million dollars worth of Hershey kisses we purchase annually, there’s no denying the joy this chocolate brings to our lives.   Ironically, Read More

Jim Carrey’s opened bottle of emotions

In our society, speaking against the crowd or having a change of heart on an important matter is typically greeted with hostility. Sure, we have the legal right to speak our minds, but what are the repercussions? Many of us fall victim to groupthink situations that stem from lack of team building. We later realize Read More

Is Paris Jackson a Victim of the Economic Crisis?

Recent articles like “Paris Jackson ‘Safe and doing fine,’ Says Family Members” (released by ABC News), have assured the public that Paris Jackson is “physically okay.” Though no official explanation concerning her hospitalization has been released, speculations heavily suggest a suicide attempt. Her family conveys that the teen has been “going through a lot” and Read More

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Ready to press pause and restart your best life? Get started today! Unleashing Your Potential We believe mastery over thoughts and emotions is the greatest challenge in life.  Yet, equally, it is also the pathway to power and freedom.  Although we all strive for peace, we are not born with strong Emotional Intelligence. We have to learn it Read More