Five Straight Birdies!

Management Monday: Managing your Networking skills Golf is a sport of skill and precision, but also a game of psychology. Those characteristics make the sport not that different from the world of networking. Arnold Palmer who won four of the seven Masters between 1958 and 1964. Tiger Woods and many more legendary golfers did not Read More

Tissues and Hershey Kisses

Management Monday: What can Hershey teach us about managing our leadership qualities? From the scrumptious milk chocolate Hershey’s we can’t resist at the check-out line on a weekly basis to the average $100.2 million dollars worth of Hershey kisses we purchase annually, there’s no denying the joy this chocolate brings to our lives.   Ironically, Read More

Broken down on the highway of balance distress?

Recently we discussed work life balance challenges for men. The topic is on the rise and there is no denying that many working fathers are broken down on the highway of cultural and personal balance distress, searching for resolution. Fortunately, more and more working dads are making progress for the better, as is shown in Read More

What’s the difference between an executive and a Chimp?

While we think of ourselves as the most advanced mammals in the world, it stands to reason that at times we would be wise to take notes from our furry friends. It can be comical to step back and consider what people can learn from animals, but also a growth opportunity specifically as it applies Read More

If Nintendo Direct could talk

If Nintendo Direct was a person, its friends might not be too happy with it. Both businesses and professionals stand to learn a lesson about why that is the case. Nintendo Direct is the new internet home for Nintendo news. Like its competitors, Microsoft and Sony, Nintendo typically holds an annual press conference, but this Read More

What We Do

Ready to make serious progress? Get started today! No matter how successful, intelligent, hard working, or value oriented we are, we all deal with our inner critic, and our external stressors.  What determines consistent life satisfaction comes from smart living or what we call Emotionally Intelligent living here in Center for Work Life.  Our clients range from professionals, parents, Read More


The Success Profiling System Saves Heavy Equipment Service Department A large sized heavy equipment manufacturer was facing considerable performance difficulties in its aftermarket service department. Efficiency and profitability were of particular concern for the service department. In fact the service department was nearing a total collapse under the pressure of the firm’s quickly increasing sales. Read More

I Run, You Run, We all Run for Production

Productivity; the word that every employee, business owner, parent and hopefully college student has in the brain.  We all want it.  We all chase it.  And yet, when it comes to achieving it, we often trap ourselves in our solo time machines and run almost without oxygen for hours, days and weeks to achieve it.  Read More

Leadership Coaching; What exactly does it involve and how is it helpful?

What is leadership coaching?   A leadership coach is someone who utilizes experience, education, and a passion for effective process and people management to inspire others to lead their teams in a way that is conducive to growth, cooperation and competition in a healthy way ; when working with a leadership coach, they will examine Read More

Elden Ring Knows that Age is Not Just a Number

In various movies, as well as games in popular culture such as that of the new top of the line seller, Elden Ring, wisdom and age are equivocal.  The masters are the elders and soldiers follow the guidance of the elders for a common vision.  So why is it that in a fictional world, age Read More