Your Career Effectiveness Strategy Delivered

                          What defines job motivation?: Employee motivation is the level of energy, commitment, and creativity that an employee brings to their position and overall company. There are many intrinsic and extrinsic motivators when it comes to work, and these can include mental health, Read More

Motivation in the Workplace: Practical Techniques for Leaders

Motivation in the Workplace:  Practical Techniques for Leaders White Paper By: Dr. Farnaz Namin, Ph.D. Center for Work Life Counseling   Introduction The topic of motivation in workplace plays a central role in the field of management (practically and theoretically). Managers see motivation as an integral part of the performance equation at all levels, while Read More

Conflict Resolution with your PTSD Partner/Spouse

For someone who is suffering with PTSD, life is always on high gear. Unfortunately due to the trauma(s) experienced, no matter how long prior, their brain is simply overactive and on high alert, prone to anxiety, anger, depression and in a nutshell defensiveness. It is one thing for them to learn behavioral techniques to deal Read More


4 Tips to De-Escalate Conflict at Your Workplace

Irrespective of how healthy your office is and how great an employer you are, you’re still likely to face the common workplace conflicts, which require being tackled head-on. That being said, everyone tends to handle their workplace conflicts differently. While some face it with high abrasiveness, others avoid a confrontation altogether. Regardless, here at Center Read More

Leadership of Narcissistic-codependent Human Capital

Recently, I was called by one of my CEO Coachees (we’ll call him Jeff) who was experiencing quite a lot of stress because his organization, AKA he was getting sued for unlawful termination. The short of the story was that apparently a very well liked employee was reported by her direct supervisor to be underperforming Read More


Measurement of workplace co-dependency in solving Low Employee Productivity

When we think about co-dependency, we often think about it in terms of family or social relationship dynamics. But you may be surprised to hear that workplace co-dependency is in fact a huge concern and a major topic of Human Capital Management studies for a few decades. Interestingly, there is research in support of the fact that in leader-follower Read More


Texas Church Shooting Leadership Lessons

Texas Church Shooting Leadership Lessons As a generation Xer, there used to be a time when as an elementary school girl, I walked 10 miles from home to school, in the busy streets of a major city, walked back home, stopped by on the way home, bought a snack from my favorite snack shop with Read More

Mental Health Counseling

Counseling for Life Skills and Life Coaching Services   Counseling for Emotional Stress and Mental Health Welcome to the Center for Work Life.  Our Counseling services are innovative, proven effective since 2007 and based on a clearly defined process and a systematic approach. Happiness is not Accidental, it is Intentional This may be the first Read More

The Trumped-up Story of Power

In a previous LinkedIn post, we had discussed that as a culture, we are apparently not the only people duped by narcissistic leaders. “While narcissists may look like good leaders, according to a new study by University of Amsterdam, they’re actually really bad at leading”. As published in the journal of Psychological Science, “because narcissistic individuals Read More

Work and Live your Relationships as a Sponge

Evolution. What does it really mean? The first creature we would recognize as human called homo ergester first appeared in Africa two million years ago. Not long when compared to the Oldest species that inhabited earth over 600 million years ago. These species include sharks, ants, Jelly Fish and Sponges among others. The phrase survival Read More