Breaking Bad Body Language

Management Monday: Body Language Management Breaking Bad is one of the hottest shows on television right now. In fact, Ozymandias (the most recent episode) lit up social media conversations and hit Google’s top trends. Viewers can’t get enough of the desolation and desperation. The show is a shining example of creating empathy through body language. Read More

Who let the hooligans out?

Management Monday: Managing professional life as a Millennial   Overly sensitive, head-strong, lazy, selfish, flighty and entitled are just some of the words that have been used to describe Millennials. *Gasp* Anyone born between 1976 and 2001 (Millennials) has just been thoroughly insulted. Well, don’t be offended just yet, keep reading. Innovative, hard-working, entrepreneurial, inspired Read More

Team Assessment and Training

Ready to make progress? Get started today! Our Process of Developing Effective Teams A psychologically healthy change and development process starts with a leadership culture that fosters employee effectiveness and well-being while enhancing organizational performance and productivity. In today’s 24/7 culture, workplace pressures continue to mount. Productivity demands, information overload and increasing pressures to balance work and home Read More

Talent Development

Ready to make progress? Get started today! Talent Development   As the global marketplace becomes more complex, so do the challenges organizations face. In order to achieve sustainable growth, organizations need to focus their efforts on key areas that will help them gain and maintain their competitive advantage. To help organizations ensure that they are meeting their business Read More

How Nasdaq and you Multi-Scramble

Management Monday: Heard of “Multitasking?” What about managing the Multi-Scramble? The latest technology breakdowns shut down trading on the Nasdaq market and it’s more than 3,000 stocks — including some of the most popular among investors, like Apple and Google — for more than three hours Thursday afternoon. This goes to show, even computers can’t Read More

The Silent Company of Lee Thompson Young

You’re at work and things are going well. But then an employee doesn’t show up. They completely miss the morning part of their shift without warning and can’t be reached by phone. After informing the police of the situation, the department receives a call. You’re informed that your employee has committed suicide. This was what Read More

Broken down on the highway of balance distress?

Recently we discussed work life balance challenges for men. The topic is on the rise and there is no denying that many working fathers are broken down on the highway of cultural and personal balance distress, searching for resolution. Fortunately, more and more working dads are making progress for the better, as is shown in Read More

The Culture Chicken or the Turnover Egg?

Which came first: the organization’s poor culture (the chicken) or high turnover (the egg)? Realistically, the answer to that question is much less important than the solution to breaking the cycle. Don’t worry, this discussion isn’t about exterminating chickens, but rather exterminating negativity, lack of unity and unnecessary turnover. Employer’s who spend years dealing with Read More

Hill County Farms Cattle

Management Monday: Managing Work Life Balance in Organizations Though the analogy may not be pleasant to think of, one might be justified in comparing an over-worked employee to a cow at a slaughterhouse. Offended? Keep reading. Overworked by the way doesn’t necessarily refer to a unit of time, where exceeding a number yields danger.  It Read More

Your Zimmerman Hurricane Plan

Organizations like to be prepared for hurricanes and other natural disasters, but how much stock is put into preparation for other unpredictable disasters? How would your organization react if Jodi Arias or George Zimmerman were your employees when they gained national attention in murder trials? What about the struggles that might result from high media attention Read More