Communication Training

Ready to make progress? Get started today! Communication Skills Training  Most communications we partake in are reflexive — like breathing. We talk to our spouses, kids and friends without giving much thought to how we’re doing it.   In work and Life, nothing is more powerful than effective communication skills… It might seem easy, but communicating effectively actually Read More

Leadership and Management

Ready to make progress? Get started today! Leadership and Management Personal Assessments: Emotional Intelligence Assessment Executive Leadership Assessment Conflict Resolution Assessment Team Analysis Questionnaire There are various Leadership Tips out there.  Many which point to the fact that “some people are just born leaders”.  Based on our expertise in training thousands of executives, and research, there is no Read More

Team Building

Corporate Team Building Our team building activities simply deliver more, maximizing every training and development dollar you invest. A Team Building Company or a Partner Center for Work life, Orlando is the premier team-building organization in Orlando.  We can help you organize your own team-buiding event, by serving as a partner, providing you with state Read More

About Us

Ready to press pause and restart your best life? Get started today! Unleashing Your Potential We believe mastery over thoughts and emotions is the greatest challenge in life.  Yet, equally, it is also the pathway to power and freedom.  Although we all strive for peace, we are not born with strong Emotional Intelligence. We have to learn it Read More

And the Oscar goes to….

It is Management Monday! The time of the week set aside for addressing anything from time management to managing roles… Managing career success can be tricky. We all want to succeed at our jobs. Aiming to overcome the learning curve, master our obligations and attain promotions is only the beginning of what we hope to Read More

Where would you be without your body?

It is Management Monday! The time of the week set aside for addressing anything from time management to management roles… Everyone knows that in order to achieve maximum productivity, one has to first take care of one’s own needs. Working parents are on top of the list when it comes to difficulties in time management.  Read More

Props to the working mom

Marissa Mayer is all over the news due to her choice to become CEO of Yahoo Inc. while being six months pregnant. No doubt, this is an exciting opportunity for her. Many people are even saying she will be remembered for generations if she can successfully pull this off. While her status, actions, and business Read More

Tackling the flu

Everyone knows the influenza virus struck early and forceful this year, but maybe not everyone has considered the implications or how to best deal with the flu monster professionally in the work-place. Being ill is an obstacle no one enjoys.  The important fact to consider, however, is that additional emotional burdens only make an already Read More

Where have all the cowboys gone?

Trust forms the foundation for higher levels of retention, productivity, performance and citizenship behavior which are the “above and beyond” behaviors that lead and contribute to organizational success. According to a recent study by Center for Work Life conducted among more than 500 organizations large, medium and small, it was found that trust in the Read More

How many Standard Deviations equals Innovation?

At a time when we are programmed to value the new and the different, it may come as a surprise to learn that the standard, and the common are in actuality the drivers of transformation. Many of us fear and dislike the “McDonalds” of the world, because they are associated with factory-style service.  However, many Read More