Catch 4th of July Fireworks With Situational Leadership
Leadership has always been defined using various terms and definitions depending on the type of company, the workplace culture, and the type of personality a leader exhibits. Different leaders employ different leadership styles according to what they feel will best accompany the situation at hand and what their team will respond the best to at Read More

Balanced Leadership
What is balanced leadership? Balanced leadership refers to the process of employing a variety of teaching methods and skills to leadership. One of these methods is accountability with compassion, which means getting tough projects completed and assigning responsibilities in a humanized and considerate manner. An unfair, unbalanced leader practices ineffective indifference, lacking interest Read More

Leadership Coaching; What exactly does it involve and how is it helpful?
What is leadership coaching? A leadership coach is someone who utilizes experience, education, and a passion for effective process and people management to inspire others to lead their teams in a way that is conducive to growth, cooperation and competition in a healthy way ; when working with a leadership coach, they will examine Read More

Elden Ring Knows that Age is Not Just a Number
In various movies, as well as games in popular culture such as that of the new top of the line seller, Elden Ring, wisdom and age are equivocal. The masters are the elders and soldiers follow the guidance of the elders for a common vision. So why is it that in a fictional world, age Read More

Santa Promoted Rudolph from Isolation and So Should You
Over the last three years, I have noticed that it has become a common practice around our society to shift blame away from loneliness and lack of motivation whether from an individual or greater level, on the fact that the world is no longer the same as it once was. This self-serving bias can be Read More

Avatar of Your Core Beliefs Revealed
With the end of the year comes time for yearly cleaning, maintenance and organization. Now, imagine the following: you are looking around observing your house. You notice that there are problem areas that need to be fixed, or that there are rooms within the house that you are wary of clutter or unsure of whether Read More

Frigid Monster Leadership has Given Way to Psychologically Safety Leadership
A business and a team of people are only as effective as the person leading and guiding them towards success. Building a high-performing team is more than just selecting any group of individuals; it is choosing the right people for the project that you know are passionate about the subject matter and whom will bring Read More

Putin Leadership ahead of Name and Fame
Many individuals want to lead others at some point in their lives; people love the idea of striving for success while guiding a team of hardworking members. People want to be able to easily assume a position in which they can maintain autonomy delegate tasks, and experience both individual growth as well as the growth Read More

Thanksgiving Disasters; Why People Pleasing is Not All that Yummy!
For many of us, the urge to want to jump in to help others, and to be liked by them, comes natural. For people pleasers, this need creates emotions to an extreme, that begin to define them. Never knowing when to say no, making themselves available for favors, and putting their own happiness constantly second, Read More