Let’s talk about Sex and Work-life balance

Management Monday: How is the male sex struggling to manage work life balance? From high-school vampires to over-the-top soap operas, television often misses the mark on portraying realistic situations. Once in a while though, realistic situations featuring relatable characters come across the screen. Tom Scavo, a character from Desperate Housewives, was one such character. Trying Read More

Come on Undercover Boss, “Turnover” a new leaf

Management Monday: Managing Executive and Employee Communication A disconnect between corporate headquarters and stores is often a stifling problem for organizations, even if they don’t realize it. Executives become busy at the headquarters, frequently having to work through their lunch break (2013 Executive Shadowing study). Every day meetings, emails, and tasks flood their schedule. At Read More

Hill County Farms Cattle

Management Monday: Managing Work Life Balance in Organizations Though the analogy may not be pleasant to think of, one might be justified in comparing an over-worked employee to a cow at a slaughterhouse. Offended? Keep reading. Overworked by the way doesn’t necessarily refer to a unit of time, where exceeding a number yields danger.  It Read More

Lions and Tigers and Confidence, oh my!

It’s all about confidence on Management Monday Laugh if you will, but who hasn’t struggled with confidence? Maybe you turned away from that sport you once loved or that hobby that could have been fun, because you didn’t think it was “your strong suit.” What about the promotion at work that you haven’t had the Read More

Making friends at Monsters University

First comes high school, then comes college, then comes the stress of adulthood. Like Sully and Wazowski in Monsters University, most of us find surprising friendships and build lifelong relationships when we attend college. After that, every minute of the day becomes consumed in meeting deadlines, skill development, taking care of the kids and balancing Read More

Emotional Intelligence Programs

Ready to make progress? Get started today! Emotional Intelligence Training with the Power of Bio-Metrics Technology Never before has there been a program in the world that enables you to tap in to your emotions in real time and help you train to be a better you.  Can you imagine the possibilities?  That meeting you have always dreaded but Read More

Is Cirque Du Soleil becoming your Circus Act?

Unfortunately, a tragedy took place in Las Vegas last Sunday when Cirque Du Soleil acrobat Sarah Guyard-Guillot died after a 50 foot fall during a performance. The rope broke, causing her to plummet to her demise and the show “Ka” has been cancelled until further notice. In the wake of this heart-breaking tragedy, we wish Read More

Leadership Qualities of Nelson Mandela

Mandela on Management Monday Martin Luther King, Margaret Thatcher, Gandhi and Mother Theresa are just some of the leaders who have left their mark on the world. From self-improvement books, to seminars and training, people who want to change the world are always looking for leadership advice. Many times, becoming a leader isn’t about memorizing Read More

What Martin Luther King would tell a Public Speaker

This Management Monday is all about speaking skills… Public speaking is no easy thing for the majority of people, and yet the demand for speakers is on the rise. The New York Times article A Few Well Chosen Words Pay the Fare for Some cites that as of 2010, 71,600 people were employed in the Read More

Which Age, Sex and Race sleep better

Many employees suffer from drowsiness and lack of sleep at work. However, not many employees realize that age, sex and race can influence sleeping patterns. Here’s what you probably didn’t know about sleep: Young adults and senior adults need to sleep seven to nine hours per night. Sleep and Growing older, by the American Academy Read More